Published Research
Peer-reviewed paper examining the challenges of using food waste as insect feed
Biteau et al., 2024, C. Biteau, T. Bry-Chevalier, D. Crummett, R. Ryba, M. St. Jules, Is turning food waste into insect feed an uphill climb? A review of persistent challenges, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 49 (2024), pp. 492-501
Peer-reviewed paper examining the economic viability of insect-based livestock feed
Biteau et al., 2024, C. Biteau, T. Bry-Chevalier, D. Crummett, Ren Ryba, Michael St. Jules, Insect-based livestock feeds are unlikely to become economically viable in the near future, Food and Humanity, 3 (2024)
Peer-reviewed paper examining flaws in previous, heavily-cited research on insect farming
Biteau et al., 2025, C. Biteau, T. Bry-Chevalier, D. Crummett, R. Ryna, M. St. Jules, Bugs in the system: the logic of insect farming research is flawed by unfounded assumption, npj Sustainable Agriculture, 3, 9 (2025)